Posted in Death of God, Gamvetta, Haggath, Morbid Aggression, Releases, Sonic Terrorism, Visible Minority on May 8th, 2023 by foadmaster2022

Welcome to one of the craziest F.O.A.D. months to date! Through the years it has always been our trademark to dig and bring back to surface very rare material, literally invisible demos and super-obscurities of the past unknown to all except to small circles of old tape trading maniacs, but this time we have really outdone ourselves, indeed – we’re running into a big challenge because we’re about to release stuff that hardly anyone in the world knows about. With the exception of DEATH OF GOD and SONIC TERRORISM (whose demos had been released and distributed back then), most of what we’re about to announce is made by bands never released even as demos of the time, or circulated in a handful of copies : in the case of MORBID AGRESSION, this recording was not even known to exist until recently the band members exhumed these incredibly sick recordings. In the case of VISIBLE MINORITY and HAGGATH, it was tapes circulated only among a small circle of friends and collectors, and sent for reviews to some contemporary fanzines. Even if they are invisible recordings and almost lost over time, we realized that the qualitative and historical value was remarkable, and here we are to bring them back to light.

To sum up, this is what you might call F.O.A.D.’s obscure necro-underground thrash month and it consists of: DEATH OF GOD “Great Omnipotent Deceiver” LP+CD, VISIBLE MINORITY / HAGGATH Split LP+CD, GAMVETTA s/t LP+CD and SONIC TERRORISM / MORBID AGRESSION split LP. 3 bands from Canada (Death Of God, Visible Minority and Haggath), 2 from Italy (Sonic Terrorism and Morbid Agression), 1 from Japan (Gamvetta). They range from the furious hardcore thrash (or rather.. “crossover”) of DEATH OF GOD and VISIBLE MINORITY, to the more old school thrash metal approach of HAGGATH, to the self labelled “black core” at times thrash at times raw metal/punk of MORBID AGRESSION, from the grind-tinged primordial death metal of GAMVETTA to the blurr/grind disaster of SONIC TERRORISM. They’re all available on preorder via with release date set on May 19th. These 4 titles are limited to 300 copies and the colored vinyl versions just ltd. to 100, so you know they won’t last long, if you want to grab them, don’t hesitate too much!! 

Also this time we decided to offer a special discounted bundle available for those who bulk order all 4 releases in their “diehard” version, you can find it here.

And here are the detailed descriptions of each..:

DEATH OF GOD “Great Omnipotent Deceiver” LP+CD (F.O.A.D. 292)

Another classic Canadian hardcore thrash demo from the incredible mid ‘80s Toronto underground scene finally getting the deserved F.O.A.D. treatment, for the first time on vinyl!  LP including the “Great Omnipotent Deceiver” demo 1986 in it’s entirety + bonus CD with closely 80 minutes of unreleased demos, rehearsals and selected live recordings 1985-1986 showing the band’s progression from mid 80’s raging thrash metal to hardcore oriented crossover.. Maximum RockNRoll in 1986reviewed them as”Hard thrash with some speedcore tendencies”. Recommended if you like other TOHC titans like SUDDEN IMPACT,  NEGATIVE GAIN, MICRO EDGE, DIRECT ACTION… Comes with 20 page booklet including photos, flyers, scans of the original tapes and extensive liner notes. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard clear orange vinyl limited to 100 copies

Black vinyl limited to 200 copies

VISIBLE MINORITY / HAGGATH “Evil transitions 1985-1987” Split LP+CD (F.O.A.D. 291)

Canada again! Two extremely obscure Canadian thrash shredders out of Toronto’s prolific mid ‘80s Metal/Hardcore scene… VISIBLE MINORITY: Manic fast thrashcore attack reminescent of crossover legends such as early D.R.I., CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER, SEPTIC DEATH and other speed freaks of those years. Complete recordings 1986-87, both demos and extra sessions (rehearsals and live) most of which are totally unreleased to date and have only circulated in the most diehard tape trading circles.. HAGGATH: the band that preceeded V.M., formed in the early ‘80s. Pure metal thrashing violence carrying the flag of the iconic Toronto sound, for fans of SLAUGHTER, RAZOR, SACRIFICE and DEATH MILITIA! Their “Evil transitions” Demo 1985 and bonus sessions (live and rehearsal)… LP with bonus CD, nearly 2 HOURS of mind-blowing thrash massacre! Includes 12 page booklet with photos, flyers, fanzine excerpts and detailed biography by Derek Emerson (“Eve of Darkness – Toronto Heavy Metal 1980-1989” & “Tomorrow is too late – Hardcore Punk in Toronto 1980-1989”). Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard transparent green vinyl limited to 100 copies

Black vinyl limited to 200 copies

GAMVETTA “s/t” LP+CD (F.O.A.D. 295)

After awakening from the crypts pioneering Japanese Death/Thrash hordes such as MESSIAH DEATH, CRUCIFIXION and early VOIDD – it’s the turn of GAMVETTA, the evil entity that preceeded TRANSGRESSOR in 1989.  Savagely rough and awkward grinding death inferno… The first band of Takashi Tanaka (TRANSGRESSOR, NECROPHILE, ANATOMIA etc..)   This release includes all their existing recordings: two ultra rare demo/rehearsals + bonus CD with soundboard live recordings.  This stuff is so scarcerly circulated that you’ll barely find it mentioned on a footnote on Transgressor’s page on Metal Archives. GAMVETTA mention as their early influences Sodom, Kreator, Destruction and Bathory even if they quickly moved to more extreme territories, on this collection you will also hear covers of “Scum” era Napalm Death and “From the past comes the storm” by Sepultura.  Includes insert with photos, scans of the original tapes and biographical notes by Takashi Tanaka. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard transparent green vinyl limited to 100 copies

Black vinyl limited to 200 copies


Complete necro-underground deathcore rottenness, one of the most abominable sonic crimes ever released on F.O.A.D.! MORBID AGRESSION (1987): barbaric and lethally chaotic thrash from this unknown horde hailing from north-eastern Italy.. Their only existing demo recently resurfaced out of nowhere, circulated among only a few local maniacs. Self labelled as “black core”, their style was combining the most furious elements from the Italian thrash wave of that time with some hardcore influences… this is one of the roughest recordings in the history of Italian metal, you are warned! SONIC TERRORISM (1989): Insane grind/noise ecatomb from this short lived brain-splattering torture squad! Their “Epileptic death” 18 song demo for the first time on vinyl. Brutal anti-musical catastrophe inspired by Sore Throat, O.L.D. and early day grindcore. Purge channel out of tune bass, a slaughtered beast on vocals and caveman drums are the formula of this extremely disturbing session. Includes 4 page insert with photos, scans of the original tapes and exclusive interviews with both bands. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard smokey grey vinyl limited to 100 copies

Black vinyl limited to 200 copies

“ABORT – Pezzi di vetro schizzi di sangue”, NERORGASMO “Passione nera 1985-1993” Gatefold 2xLP, BLUE VOMIT “Torino 198X” LP, LONDON 77 “Iustitia” LP e STIGMATHE “Corri e sopravvivi – Studio, demo & live 1983-1985” LP+CD out now on F.O.A.D. Records!

Posted in Abort, Blue Vomit, London 77, Nerorgasmo, Stigmathe on April 20th, 2023 by foadmaster2022

(English translation below)


Il nostro mese interamente dedicato all’hardcore punk Italiano anni Ottanta è arrivato all’attesa data di uscita e come da consuetudine siamo in tempo perfetto, con tutte le uscite già pronte nel nostro magazzino. Grazie all’enorme supporto di tutti quelli che hanno effettuato il preordine e ai distributori che hanno preso questi titoli in stock, o semplicemente a chi si è interessato chiedendoci informazioni. Ma andiamo dritti al punto:  “ABORT – Pezzi di vetro schizzi di sangue”, NERORGASMO “Passione nera 1985-1993” Gatefold 2xLP, BLUE VOMIT “Discografia 198X” LP, LONDON 77 “Iustitia” LP e STIGMATHE “Corri e sopravvivi – Studio, demo & live 1983-1985” LP+CD sono fuori ora su F.O.A.D. Records. Attenzione perché le versioni colorate di BLUE VOMIT e NERORGASMO sono quasi finite. La maggior parte dei preordini sono stati spediti e i restanti partiranno dopo il 25 Aprile considerato che in questo momento siamo in Olanda alla leggendaria fiera del disco Record Planet dove stiamo presentando queste nuove produzioni in anteprima totale. Se non hai ancora ricevuto il tuo ordine abbi ancora un po’ di pazienza perché arriverà a breve. Per il prossimo mese cambieremo completamente tema, con altre 4 uscite in vinile di generi del tutto diversi.


Our month entirely dedicated to 80’s Italian hardcore punk has come to the announced release date and as usual we are in perfect time, with all the records and books already stocked in our warehouse. Thanks to the enormous support of all those who pre-ordered these titles and distributors who have taken them in larger stock, or simply to those who have contacted us asking for details. But let’s get straight to the point: “ABORT – Pezzi di vetro schizzi di sangue”, NERORGASMO “Passione nera 1985-1993” Gatefold 2xLP, BLUE VOMIT “Discografia 198X” LP, LONDON 77 “Iustitia” LP e STIGMATHE “Corri e sopravvivi – Studio, demo & live 1983-1985” LP+CD are out now on F.O.A.D. records. Watch out because the colored vinyl versions of BLUE VOMIT and NERORGASMO are almost gone. Most of the pre-orders have been shipped and the rest will leave after April 25th considering that we are currently in the Netherlands at the legendary Record Planet record fair where we are premiering these new outputs. If you haven’t received your order or tracking yet, be patient a bit more because it will arrive shortly. For the next month we will completely change terroitories, with 4 more vinyl releases of completely different genres!

ABORT – Pezzi di vetro schizzi di sangue – Book  (F.O.A.D. 299)


Il libro definitivo su Luca Abort. Una raccolta di immagini maniacale, frutto di un progetto sviluppatosi in oltre 10 anni, su una delle figure più versatili ed emblematiche della scena punk Italiana a cavallo tra anni Ottanta e Novanta. Personaggio di grande intelligenza, scontroso e provocatorio, Luca ha creato una enorme mole di disegni, quadri, graffiti, tavole, copertine di dischi, volantini e altro materiale grafico. Questo libro li raccoglie meticolosamente: quasi 300 PAGINE a colori tra illustrazioni (buona parte inedite – dai suoi archivi, sotto gentile concessione della mamma), bozze, foto, graffiti e discografie dettagliate di BLUE VOMIT, NERORGASMO e IFIX TCEN TCEN. Prefazione di Lele Roma. Guarda il trailer QUI
Disponibile nelle seguenti versioni:

Edizione limitata in copertina deluxe cartonata, limitata a 150 copie

Edizione in copertina brossurata, limitata a 350 copie


“Pezzi di vetro schizzi di sangue” (translated: pieces of glass, splatters of blood) is the definitive book on Luca Abort, singer of BLUE VOMIT, NERORGASMO, IFIX TCEN TCEN, collecting all his stunning drawings, paintings, graffiti, comics, band photos..  A maniacal collection of images, the result of a project developed over 10 years about one of the most nihilistic and emblematic characters of the Italian punk scene between the 1980s and 1990s, passed away too young following his omen “I’ll exalt myself with the most sublime death”..   A personality of great intelligence, surly and provocative, Luca has created an enormous amount of drawings, paintings, graffiti, tables, record covers, flyers and other graphic artworks. This book collects them meticulously: almost 300 full colored color pages disclosing a huge amount of never seen before material (taken from Luca’s personal archives made available to his mother’s courtesy) also including rare photos and detailed discographies of BLUE VOMIT, NERORGASMO and IFIX TCEN TCEN. This book is almost completely devoid of written parts except for a brief preface and afterword in Italian, it’s all focused on the pictures, so even if you don’t understand Italian you will be fully satisfied. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard hard bound cover version limited to 150 copies

Regular soft cover version limited to 350 copies

BLUE VOMIT “Discografia 198X” LP  (F.O.A.D. 027)


Riedizione del vinile originariamente stampato da F.O.A.D. nel 2011 in edizione limitatissima, ai tempi esaurito all’istante. Questo LP propone la discografia dei BLUE VOMIT al massimo della qualità sonora, ovviamente nei limiti di quella che erano la registrazioni originali. Contiene i brani da “Torinoise”, ricavati direttamente da un master di chi allora lo aveva prodotto e duplicato, quelli da “Torino 198X” (paragonato alle stampe precedenti sentirete la differenza), più un emblematico pezzo inedito che per qualche ragione misteriosa é circolato solo sul alcune copie di “Torinoise” ma non ad esempio quella da cui era stata assemblata la stampa in CD del 2006. 24 brani in totale, un lato studio estratto dalle due mitiche cassette su Disforia e Ansia Tapes e uno interamente dal vivo: Vanchiglia 1982, Via Artom 1983. Una collezione definitiva e ben curata di quello che é stato uno dei gruppi più sinceri, Punk e strafottenti nella scena Torinese dei primi anni Ottanta, dai primissimi deliri giovanili di “Non mi alzo in pullman”, “La sfiga della suora”, “Il maniaco” segnati da sonorità ancora in pieno Punk ’77iano, al nichilismo autodistruttivo e allucinato a tratti Hardcore, che anticiperà la classe dei NERORGASMO, con pezzi come “Vivo in una città morta”, “Non sopporto”, “Io non sono come voi”, “Fotti il mito”. Include un inserto a 4 facciate con foto, disegni di Luca Abort, estratti da fanzine, grafiche originali, note biografiche e altro ancora. Guarda il trailer QUI
Disponibile nelle seguenti versioni:

Edizione diehard in vinile blu, limitata a 100 copie

Edizione in vinile nero, limitato a 200 copie


Repress of the complete discography of these nihilistic Punk heroes from Torino, northern Italy – a key place for Italian punk that has also given birth to bands like Declino, Negazione, Kollettivo, 5# Braccio, Stinky Rats and many more. Originally released by F.O.A.D. on tape over 3 decades ago, later reissued (again on F.O.A.D.) on CD and vinyl in a very limited edition instantly sold out, this collection has been out of print for more than 10 years! 23 TRACKS, compiling all their recorded material:
– tracks from “Torino 198x” and “Torinoise” (1981-1982)
– live in Vanchiglia and Via Artom, Torino 1982-1983
One of the most iconic bands out of Turin’s 80’s scene: from the early teenager delirium of “Non mi alzo in pullman”, “La sfiga della suora”, “Il maniaco” marked by their pure ’77 punk approach, to the self-destructive, hallucinatory hardcore darkness which anticipates the class of their latter incarnation NERORGASMO, with songs like “Vivo in una città morta”, “Non sopporto”, “Io non sono come voi” etc… 4 page insert with rare photos, Luca Abort’s drawings, ‘zine excerpts, lyrics, biographical notes and more! Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard blue vinyl, limited to 100 copies

Solid black vinyl, limited to 200 copies

NERORGASMO  “Passione nera: Discografia 1985-1993” Gatefold 2xLP  (F.O.A.D. 046)


Riedizione di questa intramontabile pietra miliare del Punk Italiano. Confezionato in un’elegante copertina gatefold contenente librettone di 28 pagine carico di illustrazioni inedite di Luca Abort, testi, foto e note biografiche. Una delle discografie più essenziali nella storia del Punk Italiano, assemblata in anni di lavoro febbrile ed ostacoli a volte quasi insormontabili. NERORGASMO, il volto più tetro, sincero e nichilista del Punk a Torino negli anni ’80 e primi ’90, lo specchio nero della decadenza urbana in una città che ha generato le espressoni più fervide e attive del Punk/HC di tutta la penisola nel suo periodo d’oro. Raccolta completissima formata da 44 brani (a sorpresa ben 5 in più rispetto al precedente CD/DVD sempre su FOAD): il primo singolo rimasterizzato come non l’avete mai sentito – acquisito da una sorgente pre-stampa su vinile e quindi senza il minimo “scoppiettio” da materiale acquisito da vecchi dischi, l’intero album 1993 rimasterizzato dal DAT originale, 9 tracce in studio del 1987 completamente inedite fino alla prima ristampa F.O.A.D. e una selezione di materiale dal vivo dal 1986 al 1993. L’incrocio perfetto tra il Punk più cupo e quella venatura Dark Rock che ha reso il loro nome così unico e apprezzato ben oltre lo standard degli ascoltatori e completisti dell’HC Italiano di quel periodo… Guarda il trailer QUI

Disponibile nelle seguenti versioni:

Edizione diehard in vinile neon viola, limitata a 150 copie

Edizione in vinile nero, limitato a 350 copie


New edition (3rd pressing) of this timeless Italian dark punk masterpiece, housed in a deluxe gatefold sleeve with 28 page 12″x12″ book full of stunning drawings by Luca Abort, photos, liner notes and lyrics.. One of the most essential discographies in the whole history of Italian Punk! NERORGASMO, the blackest and most sincere face of Torino’s Dark/Punk nihilism in the ’80s and early ’90s, the true sound of urban decadence in the city that generated some of the most active and creative Hardcore Punk acts back in the “furious years”..  This double LP is a complete collection of their recorded material, 44 SONGS including:
– the first legendary EP (1985)
– s/t 1993 album remastered from the studio DAT
– 9 studio tracks (1987) that have been only included in the F.O.A.D. reissues
– a great selection of live recordings 1986-1993
The perfect crossover between the darkest Punk and that Death Rock vein that made their name so unique and appreciated far beyond the standard of the 80’s Italian HC maniacs and collectors. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard neon violet vinyl, limited to 150

Solid black vinyl, limited to 350

LONDON 77 “Iustitia” LP  (F.O.A.D. 283)


Dai meandri della scena di Latina dei primi anni Ottanta, una vera chicca del punk più irriverente e marcio. L’introvabile demotape dei London 77 qui presente in entrambe le sue versioni (registrato da due formazioni differenti nel 1983 e 1984) più i brani dalla storica compilation tape “Loro decidono… tu paghi!!” edita nel 1984 dalla BCT Californiana.  Anche se il nome può far pensare a un gruppo punk in stile KBD fine anni Settanta, quello che troverete su questo LP é ben altro: Hardcore Punk caustico e grezzo che si inquadra alla perfezione nella rabbia e istintività della nostra scena di quel periodo, avvicinandosi più a sonorità di band come WRETCHED, BLOODY RIOT, EU’S ARSE e primi RAPPRESAGLIA.  Questa raccolta contiene 28 brani, tutti per la prima volta su vinile. Un’altra rarità assurda dagli inesauribili archivi F.O.A.D.   Include un inserto A3 con scansioni dei nastri originali, foto dell’epoca e un’interessante intervista con Nando (basso e voce) che in seguito ha poi formato i mitici SENZABENZA! Guarda il trailer QUI

Disponibile nelle seguenti versioni:

Edizione diehard in vinile giallo torbido limitata a 100 copie

Edizione in vinile nero, limitata a 200 copie


Ultra-raw, crude HC Punk from Latina, central Italy. Their rare demotape recorded twice with two different line-ups (1983-1984) here included in both versions plus as special bonus, their songs from “Loro decidono… tu paghi!” (They decide… you pay!) compilation released by BCT in 1984. Although the name may suggest ‘77 styled punk, this is dirty and angry Italian hardcore from the furious years, for fans of WRETCHED, BLOODY RIOT, EU’S ARSE and early RAPPRESAGLIA.. 28 songs!  Another obscure gem unearthed from the inexhaustible F.O.A.D. archives.  LP with insert including rare photos, scans of the original tapes and an exclusive interview with Nando (bass/vocals) that later went on to form the cult punk rock powerhouse SENZABENZA. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard smokey yellow vinyl, limited to 100 copies

Solid black vinyl, limited to 200 copies

STIGMATHE “Corri e sopravvivi – Studio, demo & live 1983-1985” LP+CD   (F.O.A.D. 267)


Un’altra pietra miliare dell’Hardcore italiana riesumata in un’edizione completissima e curata nel minimo dettaglio come da tradizione F.O.A.D.  Nati a Modena nei primi anni Ottanta inizialmente ispirati dalla New Wave di quel periodo e dal Punk Inglese degli anni Settanta, gli STIGMATHE hanno gradualmente velocizzato il loro sound inserendosi con uno stile unico e personale nel panorama Hardcore di quel periodo, abbinando a rabbia e impatto soluzioni a tratti melodiche e atmosfere che fondevano melanconia e disperazione urbana…  Questo set contenente un LP e un bonus CD include:
– “Suoni puri dalla libertà” EP (1983)
– “Lo sguardo dei morti” EP (1985)
– i brani da “Raptus – Negazione e superamento” v.a. LP (1984)
– il rarissimo primo demo 1983 mai pubblicato su vinile fino ad ora, che mostra i primi passi della band ancora in una forma embrionale con influenze che vanno da Clash a Post Punk/New Wave
Sul bonus CD troverai l’intero demo live “Hardcore vivo” (1983)
Più un libretto stile fanzine dell’epoca di 16 pagine contenente rare foto, flyer, note biografiche, scansioni delle uscite originali e un inserto aggiuntivo di 4 pagine con foto dell’epoca mai viste prima!
La raccolta definitiva degli STIGMATHE 1983-1985 dopo anni di dicografie incomplete e repliche di scarsa qualità dei loro due fantastici singoli. Guarda il trailer QUI

Disponibile nelle seguenti versioni:

Edizione diehard in vinile azzurro pallido limitata a 100 copie

Edizione in vinile nero, limitata a 200 copie


Another Italian hardcore punk milestone getting its deserved F.O.A.D. treatment! Formed in Modena in the early ’80s with the aim of blending late ’70s punk with new waveish vibes, STIGMATHE gradually moved to hardcore punk territories in their own original way, combining the magic of the “furious years” of Italian HC with melodies and a desperate yet melancholic mood…
This LP+CD set is their most complete discography ever made consisting of:
– “Suoni puri dalla libertà” EP (1983)
– “Lo sguardo dei morti” EP (1985)
– tracks from “Raptus – Negazione e superamento” v.a. LP (1984)
..and their ultra-rare early demo (1983) for the first time on vinyl, showing the band’s early steps still with new wave contaminations and a solid Clash influence
Plus a bonus CD containing the entire “Hardcore Vivo” live demo 1983.
Includes a 16 page booklet with rare photos, flyers, biographical notes, fanzine excerpts, scans of the original releases and an extra 4 page full colored insert with never seen before photos!
The definitive STIGMATHE 80’s discography that does justice after years of incomplete anthologies and bad quality replicas of the two 7″s. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard pale blue vinyl, limited to 100 copies

Solid black vinyl, limited to 200 copies

F.O.A.D.’s ITALIAN HARDCORE MONTH!  “ABORT – Pezzi di vetro schizzi di sangue”, NERORGASMO “Passione nera 1985-1993” Gatefold 2xLP, BLUE VOMIT “Torino 198X” LP, LONDON 77 “Iustitia” LP e STIGMATHE “Corri e sopravvivi – Studio, demo & live 1983-1985” LP+CD: preorders start NOW!

Posted in Abort, Blue Vomit, London 77, Nerorgasmo, Releases, Stigmathe on April 11th, 2023 by foadmaster2022

(English translation below)


Un’altro mese totalmente “tematico” per F.O.A.D. Records, questa volta interamente dedicato all’hardcore punk Italiano Anni Ottanta, ormai una tradizione radicata da oltre 3 decenni per la nostra etichetta – che ha sempre dedicato attenzione e passione a questa scena, offrendo ristampe di qualità di grandi classici e antologie contenenti registrazioni rarissime o del tutto inedite. Questa volta presentiamo 5 uscite, tra cui l’attesissimo libro “ABORT – Pezzi di vetro schizzi di sangue” che ripercorre attraverso le immagini l’eccentricità artistica e nichilista del mitico Luca Abort, più 4 pubblicazioni in vinile:  NERORGASMO “Passione nera 1985-1993” Gatefold 2xLP, BLUE VOMIT “Discografia 198X” LP, LONDON 77 “Iustitia” LP e STIGMATHE “Corri e sopravvivi – Studio, demo & live 1983-1985” LP+CD.  I preordini sono disponibili da oggi tramite , la data di uscita é programmata per il 21 Aprile e quindi le spedizioni partiranno più o meno da quella data. Abbiamo anche messo a disposizione un bundle scontato del 10% per chi ordina in blocco tutte e 5 le uscite nella loro edizione “diehard”, puoi trovarlo a questo link.  Scorri più in basso per le descrizioni dettagliate di ogni singolo prodotto:


Another “thematic” month for F.O.A.D. Records, this time entirely dedicated to 80’s Italian hardcore punk, a tradition rooted in over 3 decades of activity for our label – which has always dedicated attention and passion to this scene, offering quality reissues of great classics and collections containing very rare (or even unreleased) recordings from that era. This time we’re here to announce 5 releases, including the highly anticipated book “ABORT – Pezzi di vetro, schizzi di sangue” tracing through images the artistic and nihilistic eccentricity of the legend known as Luca Abort, plus 4x vinyl releases: NERORGASMO “Black passion 1985- 1993” Gatefold 2xLP, BLUE VOMIT “Discografia 198X” LP, LONDON 77 “Iustitia” LP and STIGMATHE “Run and survive – Studio, demo & live 1983-1985” LP+CD. Pre-orders are available from now via , the out now date is scheduled for April 21st and therefore shipments will start more or less from that date. We’ve also made a 10% discounted bundle available for those who bulk order all 5 releases in their “diehard” version, you can find it here. Scroll further down for detailed descriptions of each individual product:

ABORT – Pezzi di vetro schizzi di sangue – Book  (F.O.A.D. 299)


Il libro definitivo su Luca Abort. Una raccolta di immagini maniacale, frutto di un progetto sviluppatosi in oltre 10 anni, su una delle figure più versatili ed emblematiche della scena punk Italiana a cavallo tra anni Ottanta e Novanta. Personaggio di grande intelligenza, scontroso e provocatorio, Luca ha creato una enorme mole di disegni, quadri, graffiti, tavole, copertine di dischi, volantini e altro materiale grafico. Questo libro li raccoglie meticolosamente: quasi 300 PAGINE a colori tra illustrazioni (buona parte inedite – dai suoi archivi, sotto gentile concessione della mamma), bozze, foto, graffiti e discografie dettagliate di BLUE VOMIT, NERORGASMO e IFIX TCEN TCEN. Prefazione di Lele Roma. Guarda il trailer QUI
Disponibile nelle seguenti versioni:

Edizione limitata in copertina deluxe cartonata, limitata a 150 copie

Edizione in copertina brossurata, limitata a 350 copie


“Pezzi di vetro schizzi di sangue” (translated: pieces of glass, splatters of blood) is the definitive book on Luca Abort, singer of BLUE VOMIT, NERORGASMO, IFIX TCEN TCEN, collecting all his stunning drawings, paintings, graffiti, comics, band photos..  A maniacal collection of images, the result of a project developed over 10 years about one of the most nihilistic and emblematic characters of the Italian punk scene between the 1980s and 1990s, passed away too young following his omen “I’ll exalt myself with the most sublime death”..   A personality of great intelligence, surly and provocative, Luca has created an enormous amount of drawings, paintings, graffiti, tables, record covers, flyers and other graphic artworks. This book collects them meticulously: almost 300 full colored color pages disclosing a huge amount of never seen before material (taken from Luca’s personal archives made available to his mother’s courtesy) also including rare photos and detailed discographies of BLUE VOMIT, NERORGASMO and IFIX TCEN TCEN. This book is almost completely devoid of written parts except for a brief preface and afterword in Italian, it’s all focused on the pictures, so even if you don’t understand Italian you will be fully satisfied. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard hard bound cover version limited to 150 copies

Regular soft cover version limited to 350 copies

BLUE VOMIT “Discografia 198X” LP  (F.O.A.D. 027)


Riedizione del vinile originariamente stampato da F.O.A.D. nel 2011 in edizione limitatissima, ai tempi esaurito all’istante. Questo LP propone la discografia dei BLUE VOMIT al massimo della qualità sonora, ovviamente nei limiti di quella che erano la registrazioni originali. Contiene i brani da “Torinoise”, ricavati direttamente da un master di chi allora lo aveva prodotto e duplicato, quelli da “Torino 198X” (paragonato alle stampe precedenti sentirete la differenza), più un emblematico pezzo inedito che per qualche ragione misteriosa é circolato solo sul alcune copie di “Torinoise” ma non ad esempio quella da cui era stata assemblata la stampa in CD del 2006. 24 brani in totale, un lato studio estratto dalle due mitiche cassette su Disforia e Ansia Tapes e uno interamente dal vivo: Vanchiglia 1982, Via Artom 1983. Una collezione definitiva e ben curata di quello che é stato uno dei gruppi più sinceri, Punk e strafottenti nella scena Torinese dei primi anni Ottanta, dai primissimi deliri giovanili di “Non mi alzo in pullman”, “La sfiga della suora”, “Il maniaco” segnati da sonorità ancora in pieno Punk ’77iano, al nichilismo autodistruttivo e allucinato a tratti Hardcore, che anticiperà la classe dei NERORGASMO, con pezzi come “Vivo in una città morta”, “Non sopporto”, “Io non sono come voi”, “Fotti il mito”. Include un inserto a 4 facciate con foto, disegni di Luca Abort, estratti da fanzine, grafiche originali, note biografiche e altro ancora. Guarda il trailer QUI
Disponibile nelle seguenti versioni:

Edizione diehard in vinile blu, limitata a 100 copie

Edizione in vinile nero, limitato a 200 copie


Repress of the complete discography of these nihilistic Punk heroes from Torino, northern Italy – a key place for Italian punk that has also given birth to bands like Declino, Negazione, Kollettivo, 5# Braccio, Stinky Rats and many more. Originally released by F.O.A.D. on tape over 3 decades ago, later reissued (again on F.O.A.D.) on CD and vinyl in a very limited edition instantly sold out, this collection has been out of print for more than 10 years! 23 TRACKS, compiling all their recorded material:
– tracks from “Torino 198x” and “Torinoise” (1981-1982)
– live in Vanchiglia and Via Artom, Torino 1982-1983
One of the most iconic bands out of Turin’s 80’s scene: from the early teenager delirium of “Non mi alzo in pullman”, “La sfiga della suora”, “Il maniaco” marked by their pure ’77 punk approach, to the self-destructive, hallucinatory hardcore darkness which anticipates the class of their latter incarnation NERORGASMO, with songs like “Vivo in una città morta”, “Non sopporto”, “Io non sono come voi” etc… 4 page insert with rare photos, Luca Abort’s drawings, ‘zine excerpts, lyrics, biographical notes and more! Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard blue vinyl, limited to 100 copies

Solid black vinyl, limited to 200 copies

NERORGASMO  “Passione nera: Discografia 1985-1993” Gatefold 2xLP  (F.O.A.D. 046)


Riedizione di questa intramontabile pietra miliare del Punk Italiano. Confezionato in un’elegante copertina gatefold contenente librettone di 28 pagine carico di illustrazioni inedite di Luca Abort, testi, foto e note biografiche. Una delle discografie più essenziali nella storia del Punk Italiano, assemblata in anni di lavoro febbrile ed ostacoli a volte quasi insormontabili. NERORGASMO, il volto più tetro, sincero e nichilista del Punk a Torino negli anni ’80 e primi ’90, lo specchio nero della decadenza urbana in una città che ha generato le espressoni più fervide e attive del Punk/HC di tutta la penisola nel suo periodo d’oro. Raccolta completissima formata da 44 brani (a sorpresa ben 5 in più rispetto al precedente CD/DVD sempre su FOAD): il primo singolo rimasterizzato come non l’avete mai sentito – acquisito da una sorgente pre-stampa su vinile e quindi senza il minimo “scoppiettio” da materiale acquisito da vecchi dischi, l’intero album 1993 rimasterizzato dal DAT originale, 9 tracce in studio del 1987 completamente inedite fino alla prima ristampa F.O.A.D. e una selezione di materiale dal vivo dal 1986 al 1993. L’incrocio perfetto tra il Punk più cupo e quella venatura Dark Rock che ha reso il loro nome così unico e apprezzato ben oltre lo standard degli ascoltatori e completisti dell’HC Italiano di quel periodo… Guarda il trailer QUI

Disponibile nelle seguenti versioni:

Edizione diehard in vinile neon viola, limitata a 150 copie

Edizione in vinile nero, limitato a 350 copie


New edition (3rd pressing) of this timeless Italian dark punk masterpiece, housed in a deluxe gatefold sleeve with 28 page 12″x12″ book full of stunning drawings by Luca Abort, photos, liner notes and lyrics.. One of the most essential discographies in the whole history of Italian Punk! NERORGASMO, the blackest and most sincere face of Torino’s Dark/Punk nihilism in the ’80s and early ’90s, the true sound of urban decadence in the city that generated some of the most active and creative Hardcore Punk acts back in the “furious years”..  This double LP is a complete collection of their recorded material, 44 SONGS including:
– the first legendary EP (1985)
– s/t 1993 album remastered from the studio DAT
– 9 studio tracks (1987) that have been only included in the F.O.A.D. reissues
– a great selection of live recordings 1986-1993
The perfect crossover between the darkest Punk and that Death Rock vein that made their name so unique and appreciated far beyond the standard of the 80’s Italian HC maniacs and collectors. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard neon violet vinyl, limited to 150

Solid black vinyl, limited to 350

LONDON 77 “Iustitia” LP  (F.O.A.D. 283)


Dai meandri della scena di Latina dei primi anni Ottanta, una vera chicca del punk più irriverente e marcio. L’introvabile demotape dei London 77 qui presente in entrambe le sue versioni (registrato da due formazioni differenti nel 1983 e 1984) più i brani dalla storica compilation tape “Loro decidono… tu paghi!!” edita nel 1984 dalla BCT Californiana.  Anche se il nome può far pensare a un gruppo punk in stile KBD fine anni Settanta, quello che troverete su questo LP é ben altro: Hardcore Punk caustico e grezzo che si inquadra alla perfezione nella rabbia e istintività della nostra scena di quel periodo, avvicinandosi più a sonorità di band come WRETCHED, BLOODY RIOT, EU’S ARSE e primi RAPPRESAGLIA.  Questa raccolta contiene 28 brani, tutti per la prima volta su vinile. Un’altra rarità assurda dagli inesauribili archivi F.O.A.D.   Include un inserto A3 con scansioni dei nastri originali, foto dell’epoca e un’interessante intervista con Nando (basso e voce) che in seguito ha poi formato i mitici SENZABENZA! Guarda il trailer QUI

Disponibile nelle seguenti versioni:

Edizione diehard in vinile giallo torbido limitata a 100 copie

Edizione in vinile nero, limitata a 200 copie


Ultra-raw, crude HC Punk from Latina, central Italy. Their rare demotape recorded twice with two different line-ups (1983-1984) here included in both versions plus as special bonus, their songs from “Loro decidono… tu paghi!” (They decide… you pay!) compilation released by BCT in 1984. Although the name may suggest ‘77 styled punk, this is dirty and angry Italian hardcore from the furious years, for fans of WRETCHED, BLOODY RIOT, EU’S ARSE and early RAPPRESAGLIA.. 28 songs!  Another obscure gem unearthed from the inexhaustible F.O.A.D. archives.  LP with insert including rare photos, scans of the original tapes and an exclusive interview with Nando (bass/vocals) that later went on to form the cult punk rock powerhouse SENZABENZA. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard smokey yellow vinyl, limited to 100 copies

Solid black vinyl, limited to 200 copies

STIGMATHE “Corri e sopravvivi – Studio, demo & live 1983-1985” LP+CD   (F.O.A.D. 267)


Un’altra pietra miliare dell’Hardcore italiana riesumata in un’edizione completissima e curata nel minimo dettaglio come da tradizione F.O.A.D.  Nati a Modena nei primi anni Ottanta inizialmente ispirati dalla New Wave di quel periodo e dal Punk Inglese degli anni Settanta, gli STIGMATHE hanno gradualmente velocizzato il loro sound inserendosi con uno stile unico e personale nel panorama Hardcore di quel periodo, abbinando a rabbia e impatto soluzioni a tratti melodiche e atmosfere che fondevano melanconia e disperazione urbana…  Questo set contenente un LP e un bonus CD include:
– “Suoni puri dalla libertà” EP (1983)
– “Lo sguardo dei morti” EP (1985)
– i brani da “Raptus – Negazione e superamento” v.a. LP (1984)
– il rarissimo primo demo 1983 mai pubblicato su vinile fino ad ora, che mostra i primi passi della band ancora in una forma embrionale con influenze che vanno da Clash a Post Punk/New Wave
Sul bonus CD troverai l’intero demo live “Hardcore vivo” (1983)
Più un libretto stile fanzine dell’epoca di 16 pagine contenente rare foto, flyer, note biografiche, scansioni delle uscite originali e un inserto aggiuntivo di 4 pagine con foto dell’epoca mai viste prima!
La raccolta definitiva degli STIGMATHE 1983-1985 dopo anni di dicografie incomplete e repliche di scarsa qualità dei loro due fantastici singoli. Guarda il trailer QUI

Disponibile nelle seguenti versioni:

Edizione diehard in vinile azzurro pallido limitata a 100 copie

Edizione in vinile nero, limitata a 200 copie


Another Italian hardcore punk milestone getting its deserved F.O.A.D. treatment! Formed in Modena in the early ’80s with the aim of blending late ’70s punk with new waveish vibes, STIGMATHE gradually moved to hardcore punk territories in their own original way, combining the magic of the “furious years” of Italian HC with melodies and a desperate yet melancholic mood…
This LP+CD set is their most complete discography ever made consisting of:
– “Suoni puri dalla libertà” EP (1983)
– “Lo sguardo dei morti” EP (1985)
– tracks from “Raptus – Negazione e superamento” v.a. LP (1984)
..and their ultra-rare early demo (1983) for the first time on vinyl, showing the band’s early steps still with new wave contaminations and a solid Clash influence
Plus a bonus CD containing the entire “Hardcore Vivo” live demo 1983.
Includes a 16 page booklet with rare photos, flyers, biographical notes, fanzine excerpts, scans of the original releases and an extra 4 page full colored insert with never seen before photos!
The definitive STIGMATHE 80’s discography that does justice after years of incomplete anthologies and bad quality replicas of the two 7″s. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Diehard pale blue vinyl, limited to 100 copies

Solid black vinyl, limited to 200 copies

ROSENFELD “Pigs of the empire” Gatefold 2xLP, WARHEAD “Kono omoi o doko e…” LP, SABAZZ “The intolerable absence of evil” LP, VOIDD “Final black fate – complete recordings 1990/1992” 2xLP+CD and HATE BEYOND “Strangled existence” LP out NOW on F.O.A.D. Records!

Posted in Hate Beyond, Releases, Rosenfeld, Sabazz, Voidd, warhead on March 20th, 2023 by foadmaster2022

Another hyper-busy F.O.A.D. month in the books! As widely announced, it was all about Japanese THRASH in its various facets – from the whirwlind hardcore fury of WARHEAD to the speed metal infused excellence of the mighty ROSENFELD, to the raw death oriented assault of VOIDD.  To cut short and get to the point:  ROSENFELD “Pigs of the empire” Gatefold 2xLP, WARHEAD “この想いを何処へ…” LP, SABAZZ “The intolerable absence of evil” LP, VOIDD “Final black fate – complete recordings 1990/1992” 2xLP+CD and HATE BEYOND “Strangled existence” LP are all out now on F.O.A.D. Records!

Most preorders have already been shipped, the last batch is going to be sent this week. Also keep an eye out on our usual distributors from around the world (most spacialized Japanese records shops, Puke’n’Vomit in the USA, Insane Noise Distro in Brasil, High Roller in Germany and so on..) as they have copies on the way.  The diehard versions of ROSENFELD and VOIDD are already sold out and we’re down to the last 10 copies of WARHEAD on splatter vinyl – so if you haven’t ordered them yet, don’t sleep! The next F.O.A.D. month will deal with a completely different beast – expect once again 5 releases, one being something very special and unusual by our standard… stay tuned, you’ll be surprised!

More in detail about this month’s outputs:

ROSENFELD “Pigs of the empire” Gatefold 2xLP  (F.O.A.D. 287)

OSAKA THRASH METAL LEGENDS SINCE 1986! The longly awaited reissue of their iconic debut full-legth “Pigs of the empire” (1991) a cult classic of Japanese metal, to date only released on a rare CD version unavailable for nearly 30 years.. now for the first time on vinyl in its best sounding version ever, carefully remastered and pressed as a double LP to maximize sound and enhance the power of the original recording.. An ageless pillar of pure speed thrashing force with a metal/punk backbone.. fast, powerful and extremely intense, ROSENFELD’s style is a splendid burst of memorable riffs, hyper-tight drumming and high pitched screams from their frontman Hisayoshi that also sung on AION’s monolithic “Deathrash Bound” album!  Housed in a deluxe gatefold jacket with hot foil green logo and 22”x11” foldout insert including rare photos, lyrics and band history (in Japanese). Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 700 copies

WARHEAD “Kono omoi o doko e…” LP (F.O.A.D. 298)

30th anniversary edition of this absolutely mandatory Japanese Hardcore classic originally released in 1993 on CD by Blood Sucker Records and only reissued once as part of a compilation of different sessions, now for the first time on vinyl as a standalone release, specially mastered for vinyl and cut at 45rpm for the loudest sonic impact. This legend from Kyoto has been active for more than 4 decades delivering the most raging, inner-flame burning hardcore punk with the strongest screaming energy and attitude. LP with OBI strip + A2 poster including never seen before photos of that era and the original artwork by Sugi in full size! Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 350 copies

Diehard mixed red/black vinyl limited to 150 copies

SABAZZ “The intolerable absence of evil” LP (F.O.A.D. 294)

Furious raw thrash with an outstanding line-up featuring Hiko (GAUZE) on drums and Tomio (JUNTESS, CROW) on guitar!  Their debut full length (2000) originally released on CD only by Handa&Company now for the first time on vinyl, completely remastered. Formed in the early ’90s by Tomio (JUNTESS, CROW), Hiko (GAUZE) and Akiyama (POISON ARTS), SABAZZ is a blistering Thrash unit delivering fast and aggressive tunes with scorching riffs, rabid vocals and a solid drumming assault, think of a mix of Slayer, Ratos De Porao and of course a touch of Japanese HC! Before their two albums they also took part to cult compilations such as “Thrash Sanctuary” (MCR), “Sword of thrash 6 – Morrow”, “Sword of death to thrash III” and more… LP with OBI strip and 11″x22″ foldout insert with photos and lyrics. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 250 copies

Diehard splatter vinyl (white on sea blue) limited to 150 copies

VOIDD “Final black fate – complete recordings 1990/1992” 2xLP+CD (F.O.A.D. 296)

Death thrashin’ bloodshed in its most ruthless form! Originally spawned in Nagoya in 1989, VOIDD started their path delivering an aggressive clash of old school death metal and brutal thrashcore. The band later changed to a different musical direction, the material collected here shows their raw and aggressive roots. This ultra-exhaustive anthology compiles all their recordings from the early times, 1990 to 1992:
– first 3 demos (with unreleased bonus tracks) / – a completely unreleased session from 1991 / – bonus CD with rare rehearsal/demo 1989
This Double LP+CD is the definitive and final VOIDD early days’ discography, all sourced from the band’s 1st generation tapes and specially mastered for vinyl at Toxic Basement Studio, made to contrast the previous poor quality incomplete LP on Zzooouhh Records taken from a CD. Just like all the other FOAD releases, it also includes an extensive booklet (20 pages) with original artworks, scans of the tapes and many photos from that era. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 250 copies

HATE BEYOND “Strangled existence” LP (F.O.A.D. 286)

TOTAL THRASH BOMBING! Formed in 2001 in Osaka, Japan, HATE BEYOND is a blazing ultra technical thrash unit with an international line-up (Japan/USA/France) consisiting of: WARZY (of the veteran thrash-core legends INZEST) – guitar, JORGE CACEIDO (EXHORDER) – bass, MAX DUCAT (DEADLY WHISPERS) – drums and MORENO GROSSO (NO RETURN) – vocals… “Strangled existence” is their 6th studio album and their first effort pressed on vinyl LP! Bone crushing, viciously intense Thrash Metal with katana claws riffing mastery, lethal fast drumming and caustic vocals… LP with Japanese OBI strip and 11”x22” foldout insert with lyrics and band photos. Watch the trailer HERE

Limited to 300 copies, all on marbled red vinyl

ROSENFELD “Pigs of the empire” Gatefold 2xLP, WARHEAD “Kono omoi o doko e…” LP, SABAZZ “The intolerable absence of evil” LP, VOIDD “Final black fate – complete recordings 1990/1992” 2xLP+CD and HATE BEYOND “Strangled existence” LP: preorders start NOW!!

Posted in Hate Beyond, Releases, Rosenfeld, Sabazz, Voidd, warhead on March 6th, 2023 by foadmaster2022

So where are we going this month? If in February we delighted you with an international selection of metal (in its various branches), this time we focus everything on one country… the cities may vary: Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo and Nagoya but you’ve already understood that once again our battleship drops anchor on Japan for yet another all-out-heavy-artillery THRASH assault… Thrash in its various meanings fluctuating from metal to punk: in fact in the all Japanese royal flush that we have brewed this time you’ll find a colossal hardcore classic, the debut full length of the legend that is Kyoto’s WARHEAD reaching its 30th anniversary edition, and also with HC references we’ve got VOIDD who even if at their origins (i.e. the material collected in the anthology that we’re about to introduce) were dedicated to the wildest death thrashin’ metal, over time they’ve taken a more punk and sometimes even psychobilly edge, and what to say about SABAZZ, a band backed by a stellar line-up that sees Hiko from GAUZE on drums and Tomio from JUNTESS and CROW on guitar, and HATE BEYOND with Warzy of the thrash-core psychos INZEST (remember their discography LP that we did few years back?) on guitar. HATE BEYOND that come as the only geographical exception because they’re not completely Japanese but trespass on three continents: French singer and drummer, guitarist from Osaka and American bassist (among other things of EXHORDER fame!). But at the end of the whole talk, this month’s highlight is a metal classic in a power/speed japanese way to thrash, another dream come true here at the F.O.A.D. headquarters: none other than ROSENFELD “Pigs of the empire”, for the first time on vinyl (and never reissued in general for almost 30 years) in a deluxe double LP version made with the utmost LOVE and dedication!!

So to sum up, another incredible F.O.A.D. month: ROSENFELD “Pigs of the empire” Gatefold 2xLP, WARHEAD “Kono omoi o doko e…” LP, SABAZZ “The intolerable absence of evil” LP, VOIDD “Final black fate – complete recordings 1990/1992” 2xLP+CD and HATE BEYOND “Strangled existence” LP – they’re all available for pre-order via! The expected release date is March 20th and as usual we will do our best to meet the deadlines. And… we’ll never get bored of repeating that the diehard versions will run out very quickly, be careful because there are two different splatter editions of ROSENFELD, when we released their “Demo 1991” LP they’ve been wiped away in the blink of an eye, so don’t sleep on it! And to top it off be aware that next month if everything goes smoothly according to our manic schedule, we will change course, genre and country and once again there’ll be some breathe-taking surprises!!

Now to go into more detail on this month’s 5x thrash bigwigs:

ROSENFELD “Pigs of the empire” Gatefold 2xLP  (F.O.A.D. 287)

OSAKA THRASH METAL LEGENDS SINCE 1986! The longly awaited reissue of their iconic debut full-legth “Pigs of the empire” (1991) a cult classic of Japanese metal, to date only released on a rare CD version unavailable for nearly 30 years.. now for the first time on vinyl in its best sounding version ever, carefully remastered and pressed as a double LP to maximize sound and enhance the power of the original recording.. An ageless pillar of pure speed thrashing force with a metal/punk backbone.. fast, powerful and extremely intense, ROSENFELD’s style is a splendid burst of memorable riffs, hyper-tight drumming and high pitched screams from their frontman Hisayoshi that also sung on AION’s monolithic “Deathrash Bound” album!  Housed in a deluxe gatefold jacket with hot foil green logo and 22”x11” foldout insert including rare photos, lyrics and band history (in Japanese). Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 700 copies

Diehard splatter vinyl version 1:  black on red. Limited to 150 copies

Diehard splatter vinyl version 2: red on yellow. Limited to 150 copies

WARHEAD “Kono omoi o doko e…” LP (F.O.A.D. 298)

30th anniversary edition of this absolutely mandatory Japanese Hardcore classic originally released in 1993 on CD by Blood Sucker Records and only reissued once as part of a compilation of different sessions, now for the first time on vinyl as a standalone release, specially mastered for vinyl and cut at 45rpm for the loudest sonic impact. This legend from Kyoto has been active for more than 4 decades delivering the most raging, inner-flame burning hardcore punk with the strongest screaming energy and attitude. LP with OBI strip + A2 poster including never seen before photos of that era and the original artwork by Sugi in full size! Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 350 copies

Diehard mixed red/black vinyl limited to 150 copies

SABAZZ “The intolerable absence of evil” LP (F.O.A.D. 294)

Furious raw thrash with an outstanding line-up featuring Hiko (GAUZE) on drums and Tomio (JUNTESS, CROW) on guitar!  Their debut full length (2000) originally released on CD only by Handa&Company now for the first time on vinyl, completely remastered. Formed in the early ’90s by Tomio (JUNTESS, CROW), Hiko (GAUZE) and Akiyama (POISON ARTS), SABAZZ is a blistering Thrash unit delivering fast and aggressive tunes with scorching riffs, rabid vocals and a solid drumming assault, think of a mix of Slayer, Ratos De Porao and of course a touch of Japanese HC! Before their two albums they also took part to cult compilations such as “Thrash Sanctuary” (MCR), “Sword of thrash 6 – Morrow”, “Sword of death to thrash III” and more… LP with OBI strip and 11″x22″ foldout insert with photos and lyrics. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 250 copies

Diehard splatter vinyl (white on sea blue) limited to 150 copies

VOIDD “Final black fate – complete recordings 1990/1992” 2xLP+CD (F.O.A.D. 296)

Death thrashin’ bloodshed in its most ruthless form! Originally spawned in Nagoya in 1989, VOIDD started their path delivering an aggressive clash of old school death metal and brutal thrashcore. The band later changed to a different musical direction, the material collected here shows their raw and aggressive roots. This ultra-exhaustive anthology compiles all their recordings from the early times, 1990 to 1992:
– first 3 demos (with unreleased bonus tracks) / – a completely unreleased session from 1991 / – bonus CD with rare rehearsal/demo 1989
This Double LP+CD is the definitive and final VOIDD early days’ discography, all sourced from the band’s 1st generation tapes and specially mastered for vinyl at Toxic Basement Studio, made to contrast the previous poor quality incomplete LP on Zzooouhh Records taken from a CD. Just like all the other FOAD releases, it also includes an extensive booklet (20 pages) with original artworks, scans of the tapes and many photos from that era. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 250 copies

Diehard blue vinyl limited to 100 copies

HATE BEYOND “Strangled existence” LP (F.O.A.D. 286)

TOTAL THRASH BOMBING! Formed in 2001 in Osaka, Japan, HATE BEYOND is a blazing ultra technical thrash unit with an international line-up (Japan/USA/France) consisiting of: WARZY (of the veteran thrash-core legends INZEST) – guitar, JORGE CACEIDO (EXHORDER) – bass, MAX DUCAT (DEADLY WHISPERS) – drums and MORENO GROSSO (NO RETURN) – vocals… “Strangled existence” is their 6th studio album and their first effort pressed on vinyl LP! Bone crushing, viciously intense Thrash Metal with katana claws riffing mastery, lethal fast drumming and caustic vocals… LP with Japanese OBI strip and 11”x22” foldout insert with lyrics and band photos. Watch the trailer HERE

Limited to 300 copies, all on marbled red vinyl

MAYHEM “As the world burns – Complete recordings 1984/1987” Gatefold 2xLP, MENTAL DECAY “The final scar – discography 1987/1988” LP+CD, MILITARY SHADOW “Metal Punk Ironfist” LP and VOMIT VULVA s/t LP out NOW on F.O.A.D. Records!!

Posted in Mayhem, Mental Decay, Military Shadow, Releases, Vomit Vulva on February 18th, 2023 by foadmaster2022

To cut it short and get straight to the point: we decided to anticipate the release date of our monthly drop by a few days because February is shorter and for the next one we have 5 releases scheduled including two double LP’s, so we want to give them the right space with relative trailers and everything that you’ll see shortly. What to say instead about the batch that we’re about to announce as out now… we were worried about multiple factors, from the strange association that, despite being all inside Metal and its infinite branches, has an American speed metal classic of the 80s put together with a Danish band not far from that period but way more focused on a mittel-European evil thrash sounds, a Japanese Metal Punk horde of today and a newborn sadistic bestial metal combo still unfamiliar to many.

We were also upset by the fact that Mayhem Portland had already been unfairly re-released as a single LP (their “Burned alive” album) by another label a few months earlier without informing us about it.. (by the way you can check this video we prepared illustrating the complete futility of alternative or parallel editions to ours). Despite these factors, however, in the end we are happy to see once more that the feedback and support of those who are loyal to F.O.A.D. do not decline even when we’re facing somewhat anomalous months compared to usual, and for this our gratitude is inexhaustible. So: MAYHEM “As the world burns – Complete recordings 1984/1987” Gatefold 2xLP, MENTAL DECAY “The final scar – discography 1987/1988” LP+CD, MILITARY SHADOW “Metal Punk Ironfist” LP and VOMIT VULVA s/t LP are out NOW on F.O.A.D. records. Most pre-orders have been shipped and tracking status updated by our shipping service. For Mayhem and Military Shadow we are running out of the diehard editions, so if you haven’t got them yet, don’t sleep! What to expect next month? One thing has already been revealed in the video above about sound quality comparison, the others we can tell are themed along this line (Japan!) and are completely devastating, so fasten your seat belts and stay tuned…

More in detail about this month’s apocalyptic offerings:

MAYHEM “As the world burns – Complete recordings 1984/1987″Gatefold 2xLP (F.O.A.D. 238)

Official discography 1984-1987 of this seminal speed metal band from Portland, Oregon featuring the legendary Steve Hanford “Thee Slayer Hippie” (RIP) of POISON IDEA on drums!! Punk driven thrash galore delivered with outstanding energy and riffing excellence.
Double LP including:
– “Burned alive” LP (1987)
– “Burned alive” bonus track: “Tear down the walls”
– “As the world burns” Demo (1985)
– Misc pre-“Burned alive” demo tracks
A work of love entirely dedicated to Steve Hanford “Thee Slayer Hippie” that took care of the audio transfer and mastering works before passing away… Forget the completely useless reissue of “Burned alive” that recently came out without part of the band’s approval, this F.O.A.D. reissue is the ultimate Mayhem Portland’s discography, ALL MASTERED FROM THE ORIGINAL REELS including a lot of rare and unreleased contents. Housed in a high glossy gatefold jacket with full colored 16 page booklet collecting rare and exclusive photos, flyers, ‘zine excerpts, interviews and a lot more.. “Over the top”!! Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 250 copies

Diehard mixed vinyl (orange and blue) ltd. to 150 copies

MENTAL DECAY “The final scar – discography 1987/1988” LP+CD (F.O.A.D. 284)

Another crucial underground metal gem rescued and unearthed in a top quality edition, all the existing recordings of this devastating unit from Hvidovre, Denmark,whose only demotape (1987) has been revered for decades as a well kept secret of genuine and furious Death/Thrash viciously recalling the Teutonic school, among all Kreator on their first two albums but also Darkness and Exumer to mention those that first come to mind listening to their merciless assault – they’ve also been often quoted by Fenriz/Darkthrone as one of the fundamental demo bands from that era. Some MD members later formed the more Heavy Metal oriented Missing Link with Artillery’s guitarists Michael and Mortem Stützer.  This killer set includes: LP with Demo 1987 (mastered from the 1/4″ reels), rehearsals 1987/1988 + Bonus CD with soundboard live 1987/1988 and extra rehearsals 1987/1988 + 16 PAGE BOOKLET with rare photos, scans of the demotape, fanzine excerpts and more!  Almost 2 hours of rabid, corrosive THRASH! Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 250 copies

Diehard marble mint-green vinyl ltd. to 150 copies

MILITARY SHADOW “Metal Punk Ironfist” LP (F.O.A.D. 289)

Official reissue of their hard to find debut full length released years ago as a ltd. CD and tape, now for the first time on vinyl! This special F.O.A.D. version includes a great sounding re-recording (2022) of the entire album with better studio production and improved technical skills + on B-side the original session from 2018 specially remastered for vinyl for the fiercest sonic impact. Incendiary metal/punk from one of the best revelations in the genre of the last decade, combining the most intriguing elements from the Japanese metallic hardcore tradition (GISM, Zouo, The Sexual, Parasite) with a massive 80’s Speed Metal vibe.. Hellraising solos, raspy cut-throat screams and machine-gun drumming are the ingredients of what actually can be summed up in 4 words: METAL PUNK IRON FIST!!  This is MILITARY SHADOW’s third vinyl release on F.O.A.D. following the highly acclaimed “Blood for freedom” LP and “Violent reign” EP!! LP with OBI strip and foldout insert. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 250 copies

Diehard marble red vinyl ltd. to 150 copies

VOMIT VULVA s/t LP (F.O.A.D. 293)

Newborn black/death necrobestiality featuring members of MACABRO GENOCIDIO and MORBUS GRAVE! This perverted horde comes straight from the depths of the infamous Bunker in Milan delivering uncompromising sadistic metal of death in the vein of Black Witchery, Archgoat, Sadomator, Proclamation and Blasphemy. The annihilating sound of a nuclear hecatomb where endless blast beat bombardments will let you collapse into a hopeless nightmare of anguish and darkness… Debut full length including their first recording called “On the altar of the nun’s vomit” (previously released as a very ltd. cassette) and brand new “Command annihilation” session. Comes with 11″x11″ lyric sheet. Watch the trailer HERE

Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 200 copies

Diehard radioactive ash-grey vinyl ltd. to 100 copies