VIETNAM “Bad symptom – Discography Pt.1″ LP+CD and”Full of mistake world – Discography Pt.2” LP+CD, POISON “Sons of evil” LP, “Bestial death” LP and “Awakening of the dead” LP… preorders start NOW!!
The end of summer corresponds to the beginning of a very hectic and turbulent time here, because we’ll soon be moving all of F.O.A.D. into one huge warehouse that will unite both our catalog releases and all of the scareystore mailorder stock. It will be a massive and very complex move but we will finally have everything in one final place, well organized with offices, and all our material at our fingertips without the support of outside logistics anymore, after years and years of moving. Looking forward to this phase – on which we will keep you well updated, here we are with a new row of 5x releases, to keep our thrash-fire burning as always. A somewhat unusual combination, but due to a series of conjunctions, we decided to put together the discography of Osaka’s legendary VIETNAM (consisting of a series of extremely rare, invisible, impossible-to-find tapes) with – given the high demand – the LP reissues of the 3x POISON demotapes, already released on F.O.A.D. in 2016 and quickly sold out… here reissued in slightly different versions with the peculiarity that “Bestial death” is a new mastering derived from a source exhumed by the band that sounds better than the one that was used on the previous versions.

So the clash of titans for September consists of a hidden gem of Japanese hardcore/thrash 1986-1989 era and the complete reissue of the cavernous horror demos of Germany’s POISON, among the true founding fathers and precursors of Teutonic black/death metal: VIETNAM “Bad symptom – Discography Pt.1″ LP+CD and”Full of mistake world – Discography Pt.2” LP+CD, POISON “Sons of evil” LP, “Bestial death” LP and “Awakening of the dead” LP… preorders start NOW at !! As usual we have made available limited discounted bundles for those who want to grab the 3 x POISON in bulk or for those who want to buy all 5 diehard editions together. They will be short-lasting, so hurry! And as our usual recommendation: try to be patient, your orders will be processed and shipped as fast as possible and we will update you with tracking, don’t overload us with anxious or confusing requests such as address changes, additions and substitutions, changes of all sorts and so on… consider that we are dealing with 5 releases in conjunction with a huge move, so we will do our best. If all goes well and runs smoothly, by next month (or by November) you can expect an unprecedented colossal, the long awaited F.O.A.D. 300 boxset, the most enormous and articulated in the label’s history. Fingers crossed!!!
More in detail about each release:

VIETNAM “Bad symptom – Discography Pt.1” LP+CD (F.O.A.D 331)
Part 1 of 2: complete discography of this rare gem of late 80’s Japanese hardcore thrash spread over two head-ripping LP’s (with extra CD inside) made with the utmost attention to detail and quality!! Incendiary thrash crossover from Osaka, combining the best elements of old school Japanese hardcore with a solid metallic base. This first chapter includes their Demo 1 (1986) and Demo 2 (1987), plus two giveaway promotional tapes and a bonus CD with a great sounding soundboard live recorded at Egg Plant, Osaka in 1988. Mastered from the band’s archival sources. Recommended to fans of G.I.S.M., Crow, Zouo, Sacrifice (Jpn), Zadkiel.Includes Japanese OBI strip and 4 page insert with rare photos, flyers and scans of the original tapes.
Watch the trailer HERE
Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 250 copies

Diehard edition on marbled orange vinyl limited to 150 copies


VIETNAM “Full of mistake world – Discography Pt.2” LP+CD (F.O.A.D 332)
Part 2 of 2: complete discography of this rare gem of late 80’s Japanese hardcore thrash spread over two head-ripping LP’s (with extra CD inside) made with the utmost attention to detail and quality!! Incendiary thrash crossover from Osaka, combining the best elements of old school Japanese hardcore with a solid metallic base. Second chapter including their third demotape “Full of mistake world” (1988), songs from “Far East Thrash Army – Thrash Live In Savagery” compilation (1989) and bonus CD with a killer soundboard live 1989.4.29.Another incredible Japanese thrash obscurity brought back to light by F.O.A.D., enhancing the great scene of a city (Osaka) with a huge underground metal-punk scene to be discovered… Mastered from the band’s archival sources. Recommended to fans of G.I.S.M., Crow, Zouo, Sacrifice (Jpn), Zadkiel.Includes Japanese OBI strip and 4 page insert with rare photos, flyers and scans of the original tapes.
Watch the trailer HERE
Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 250 copies

Diehard edition on marbled light blue vinyl limited to 150 copies


POISON “Sons of evil” LP (F.O.A.D. 082) 2nd pressing
Pure infernal armageddon, not for the weak!! One of the most deviated, disgusting and anti-musical death metal aberrations ever conceived. BACK ON VINYL IN ITS MOST COMPLETE VERSION exactly as the cassette version that was circulating in the 80s! Originally released in 1984, “Sons of evil” is the first demo recording from the malevolent and sinister German entity known as Poison. This sounds so raw and extreme that even the band members took their time to decide whether to license a vinyl reissue or not, and the graal got unlocked only when after years of research through the most insane puritan collectors, we tracked a source whose quality was even “better” than the masters owned by the band and got it properly restored and mastered by our wizard H.O.D. at Toxic Basement studio. So one thing is sure: this LP is the matchless, best sounding version of “Sons of evil” you can dream about. Now quoting what has been said already about this gem: as primitive and barbaric as a Stone Age gang-rape, this tape is possessed by total darkness and evil. Musically, this runs the gamut from morbidly mid-paced to intense and somewhat insane. It bears no real similarities to any of their German counterparts, such as Sodom, Destruction or Kreator. The slower parts sound very reminiscent of Hellhammer, with one very important exception: this is darker and more evil than Mr. Warrior and his cohorts ever could have hoped to be. The vocals of Virgin Slaughter are exactly what Tom should have been doing on releases such as “Satanic Rites”. Possessed and maniacal, at times, his demonic voice actually accentuates the dark mood of the music, rather than detracting from it. As for the rest of the songwriting, this is like a war on the senses. Primitive and violent in nature, the riffs saw through you while the drums pound your skull into oblivion. It is almost difficult to believe something so bestial and grotesque existed back in 1984. The sound is on the same level as the “Death By Metal” demo, from Mantas, and makes the old Venom and Bathory records seem like they were done in high-dollar facilities. “Sons of Evil” is a monstrous offering from a band that had truly tapped into something dark and aggressive. Includes poster and an old school fanzine style booklet with rare photos, flyers and excerpts from zines/mags of that era.
Watch the trailer HERE
Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 200 copies

Diehard edition on swirl milky clear mixed with black vinyl, limited to 100 copies


POISON “Bestial death” LP (F.O.A.D. 095) 2nd pressing
New mastering made from a band’s lost and found source exhumed years after F.O.A.D.’s 2016 reissue and sounding better than ever! Raw, extreme and BESTIAL blackened Death Metal at its most savage form. Recorded in fall 1985 and following their classic debut Demotape “Sons of evil”, this second chapter offers another journey into the realms of sonic perversion and mental obscurity. This LP offers another chapter in POISON’s uncompromised evil, keeping the original sound the most faithful and pristine as possible with that claustrophobic feeling of cavernous horror that no other band has been able to recreate at so crude dimensions. Alternating moments of ultra-fast (for the time) proto blasting mayhem with slowed down breaks of suffocating doom, “Bestial death” recalls the sickest elements of Hellhammer’s demos and of course the school of Venom, or to keep it closer to Teutonic savagery, Sodom on their “Witching Metal” demotape. Deluxe sleeve with restored original artwork, poster and a 16 page fanzine styled booklet including old interviews, reviews, flyers and rare photos. Licensed and approved by the band!
Watch the trailer HERE
Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 200 copies

Diehard edition on swirl dark yellow mixed with black vinyl, limited to 100 copies


POISON “Awakening of the dead” LP (F.O.A.D. 096) 2nd pressing
3rd installement in FOAD’s deadly mission of bringing back to light POISON’s official demotapes in the most complete and pristine shape. After their terrifying first two abominations (“Sons of evil” – 1985 and “Bestial death” -1985) and a live tape, 1986 sees these pioneering German maniacs deliver another nightmarish assault of dark, creepy death metal. It’s the turn of “Awakening of the dead” that even showing some kind of progress in their brutal primitivity and a 4-track production, still delivers the insane rawness and hallucinating morbidity they were feared for. On a promo sheet of the time they were describing it as follows: “POISON play a very extreme mixture of ultra-fast + ripping death metal and more classical, Black Sabbath-inspired doom stuff, without trying to follow and special trend or ripping off any famous band”. It’s all there, think of a death chamber unleashing the most stabbing screams of terror in a chtlulhu-ish pace alternating blasts of uncontrolled fury with Hellhammer tinged breakdowns. Once again mastered at Toxic Basement Studio from the best sounding source in existence still keeping the impact and genuinity of the original sound as it was on tape. Deluxe sleeve with restored original artwork, poster and a 16 page fanzine styled booklet including old interviews, reviews, flyers and rare photos. Licensed and approved by the band!
Watch the trailer HERE
Available in the following versions:

Solid black vinyl limited to 200 copies

Diehard edition on swirl dark red mixed with black vinyl, limited to 100 copies